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Research Journal

  • About Permutations, we learned this with and without repeat. Examples: With reapeat; You have a lock with 3  posible characters that have to be filled with numbers and you can repeat the numbers. Without repeat; You have to make a rainbow of 3 colors without repeating them and options of colors are red, green,blue,yellow.


  • About Combination we learned with and without repetition. Examples: With; You have to choose a 4 scoops Icecream of these flavors Mint, Vanillia, and chocolate.Without; You have to choose groups of 5 students out of a class of 25 students and the students can’t be at 2 groups.

4 coops icecream

  • About Probability we learned 2 kinds. Independent or dependent.Examples:
  1. Independent:   Wich is the probability of rolling 12 with rolling  2 times a  dice?
  2. Dependent: Wich is the probability that I pick a red ball out of a boxs with 5 red balls and 7 blue balls?
  • Talking about more probability, Why is the prisoners dillema a dillema?

The prisoners dillema is a dillema because it is about a problem with different solutions and it is a dificult choice to make.

prisoners dillema

  • What is a dominant strategy?

“A strategy is dominant if, regardless of what any other players do, the strategy earns a player a larger payoff than any other”

(link:   http://www.gametheory.net/dictionary/DominantStrategy.html  )

  • What is a Nash equilibrium?

A nash equilibrium is when all the players choose there the choice were both are “rewarded” with the same “reward”. At the image of the prisoners dillema above, the nash equilibrium was that both said that they were not guilty they both will end in prision 2 years so that both have the same “reward”.

  • What is a simultaneous game?

“In game theory, a simultaneous game is a game where each player chooses his action without knowledge of the actions chosen by other players.”

(link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simultaneous_game )

  • What is the Monty Hall problem?

The monty hall problem is a problem about 3 doors, 2 of them have a goat and one has a car. You have to choose one door, and the host shows you a door that has a goat.Now you may choose swap or don’t swap the door.



  • What is information cascade?

“An information  cascade occurs when people observe the actions of others and then make the same choice that the others have made, independently of their own private information signals.”

(link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_cascade )

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  1. I like how you describe the activities and the photos you published! I really like your blog! 🙂

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